March is International Women's Month, a time to commemorate the extraordinary achievements of women throughout history and their ongoing fight for equal access to opportunities. While significant strides have been made, the journey towards a truly equitable world continues. This article goes beyond mere celebration, offering actionable ways for everyone, including men, to actively participate in achieving gender equality.

Men ask for more: Bridging the Opportunity Gap

This International Women's Day we're encouraging men to ask for more (to help support women). Gender equality is not a competition, but a shared goal that benefits everyone. Both men and women can be powerful allies by:

  • Advocating for equal pay and promotion opportunities: Speak up against pay gaps and champion promotions based on merit, not gender.
  • Mentoring and sponsoring women: Share your knowledge and experience to help women advance in their careers.
  • Challenging unconscious bias: Recognize and address your own biases, and call out biased behavior in others.
  • Reframing Traditional Mindsets: Recognize how seemingly harmless expressions can perpetuate a culture of inequality.
    • Ditch the "Helping" Narrative: Phrases like "helping" with housework imply that these chores are inherently female responsibilities.
    • Recognize Shared Responsibility: Housework and childcare are not "women's work."
    • Questioning a woman's expertise or qualifications more than a man's with similar experience: Evaluate individuals based on their skills and achievements, not gender.
    • Jokes or humor that rely on sexist stereotypes: A professional environment should be inclusive and respectful for all genders.

Celebrating Women's Achievements

International Women's Day is a perfect time to celebrate the incredible achievements of women:

  • Highlight historical and contemporary figures: Research and share stories of women who broke barriers in various fields (science, arts, politics, etc.).
  • Create dynamic activities on your workplace and communities that involve all genders, that raise awareness of the importance and meaning of this month.
  • Engage with women's initiatives: Support organizations and programs that empower women and girls, like Women’s leadership panels, STEM mentoring programs.
Bindyuning team celebrating womens history month

Beyond Words: Deconstructing Gendered Language

The language we use shapes perceptions and reinforces stereotypes. Here's how everyone can adopt more inclusive language:

  • Focus on skills and accomplishments: Describe women based on their abilities and achievements, not their appearance.
  • Practice active listening: Give women your full attention, allowing them to express themselves without interruption.
  • Avoid gendered assumptions: Don't automatically associate strengths or weaknesses with gender:
    • Assertive vs. Bossy: This is a classic example. A neutral alternative is simply "assertive."
    • Ambitious vs. Aggressive: Neutral alternatives could be "driven" or "goal oriented."
    • "Advocating for oneself" vs. Childish: A woman negotiating a raise might be told she's being "difficult" or "unreasonable," while a man might simply be seen as "standing up for himself."
    • Emotional vs. Unstable: other alternatives can be "sensitive" or "in touch with his feelings."
    • Independent vs. Cold: we can simply say "self-sufficient" or "doesn't need to rely on others."
    • Decisive vs. Domineering: Yet we can also use terms like "decisive" or "a good leader".

Examining the Impact of Being Women in Business

Data paints a clear picture: companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their peers. Women, however, remain significantly underrepresented in leadership positions. This disparity stems from several factors, including:

  • Unconscious Bias: Hiring managers may hold unconscious biases that favor men for certain roles.
  • Work-Life Balance Challenges: The burden of childcare often falls disproportionately on women, making it difficult to balance career demands and maintain the professional drive to excel at work. Support work-life balance for both men and women through flexible schedules and parental leave policies.
  • Lack of Mentorship and Sponsorship: Women may have fewer opportunities for mentorship and sponsorship, hindering career advancement.


By all genders becoming allies, using inclusive language, raising awareness and appreciating diverse communication styles, everyone can play a crucial role in creating a more equitable world. Let's move beyond celebration and take action throughout the year. BindTuning is committed to fostering a culture of inclusion and empowering talent, regardless of gender. Join us in building a future where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential.